Production I.G> WORK LIST> Ghost Hound> EPISODES> Focus: 20 Shaman's District

Focus: 20 Shaman's District

Ghost Hound Focus 20

Air date: March 20, 2008

In the heated competition to produce iPS cells, the studies stagnated due to an incident of fabricated embryonic stem cells. Nevertheless in 2007, a group led by Prof. Shinya Yamanaka at Kyoto University generated pluripotent stem cells - iPS cells by transfecting genes, called Yamanaka factors, into cells. At about the same time, MIT Prof. Rudolf Jaenisch had successfully accomplished a similar result with mice.

Script: Chiaki J. Konaka
Storyboard: Katsuhisa Yamada
Director: Yashuhiro Geshi
Animation Director: Akiharu Ishii

Ghost Hound Focus 20

Ghost Hound Focus 20

Ghost Hound Focus 20

Ghost Hound Focus 20
