Production I.G> WORK LIST> Ghost Hound> EPISODES> Focus: 13 For the Snark was a Boojum, you see.

Focus: 13 For the Snark was a Boojum, you see.

Ghost Hound Focus 13

Air date: January 31, 2008

An advocate of a unique school of Christian ethics, Emanuel Swedenborg was studying brain physiology and anatomy to physically examine the evidence of spirits. He stopped the study when he experienced visions and started to go in and out of the afterworld at will. Later, German philosopher Immanuel Kant, otherwise famous for his The Critique of Pure Reason, highly regarded Swedenborg's ideas.

Script: Chiaki J. Konaka
Storyboard: Itsuro Kawasaki
Director: Itsuro Kawasaki
Animation Director: Kyoko Kotani

Ghost Hound Focus 13

Ghost Hound Focus 13

Ghost Hound Focus 13

Ghost Hound Focus 13
