Production I.G> WORK LIST> Ghost Hound> EPISODES> Focus: 16 Hopeful Monster

Focus: 16 Hopeful Monster

Ghost Hound Focus 16

Air date: February 21, 2008

Stephen Hawking does not disagree with the interpretation that the universe is stable as it is today because of the presence of humankind. John Wheeler who coined the term "black hole" also denotes that we must have an observer within the universe, namely humankind, in order for the actual universe to be consistent with the quantum stochastic theory on the basis of the uncertainty principle.

Script: Chiaki J. Konaka
Storyboard: Takafumi Ando
Director: Takafumi Ando
Animation Director: Akira Tabata, Joji Sawada

Ghost Hound Focus 16

Ghost Hound Focus 16

Ghost Hound Focus 16

Ghost Hound Focus 16
