Production I.G> WORK LIST> xxxHOLiC> EPISODES> Episode 6: Addiction

Episode 6: Addiction

HOLiC Episode 6: Addiction

Air date: May 11, 2006
Watanuki accompanies Yuko for shopping. Afterwards, Yuko drops by at an apartment. There lived a housewife hooked on the Internet. She has virtually no time for housekeeping and looking after her children. She tells Yuko she wants to quit playing with the computer...

Script: Miharu Hirami
Storyboard: Yoshitaka Koyama
Director: Yoshitaka Koyama
Animation Director: Minoru Ueta

HOLiC Episode 6: Addiction

HOLiC Episode 6: Addiction

HOLiC Episode 6: Addiction

HOLiC Episode 6: Addiction

HOLiC Episode 6: Addiction

HOLiC Episode 6: Addiction
