Production I.G> WORK LIST> xxxHOLiC> EPISODES> Episode 4: Astrology

Episode 4: Astrology

HOLiC Episode 4: Astrology

Air date: April 27, 2006
At lunch break, Watanuki, Himawari and Domeki launch into a conversation about astrology. When Himawari coyly tells Watanuki, "our zodiac signs complement each other", he is overjoyed and kneels before her. After school, Watanuki goes to Yuko's shop to work as usual. He tells Yuko about the conversation, but she suggests that this prediction was not reliable. Later, they leave the shop so that Yuko could teach him the real astrology.

Screenplay: Michiko Yokote
Storyboard: Yoshitaka Koyama, Naoyuki Kuzuya
Director: Shinsuke Terasawa
Animation Director: Kenichi Ishimaru

HOLiC Episode 4: Astrology

HOLiC Episode 4: Astrology

HOLiC Episode 4: Astrology

HOLiC Episode 4: Astrology

HOLiC Episode 4: Astrology

HOLiC Episode 4: Astrology
