Cyborg Technology

While cyberbrains enhanced "implosions" of mental senses (McLuhan), prosthesis technology, more widely known as "cyborg technology" that compensates physical bodies by mechanical gadgets, urged the direct "explosions" of manual skills. Starting its development in wartime medical studies, cyborg technology progressed quickly after the war and expanded its realm from the medical to military, as it ensured more power than the physical body could ever produce. However, it expanded no further; lengthy and costly maintenance, difficult machine-flesh consistency, and mental repulsions were too much of a block to make a mass penetration.

But the slowly spreading cyborg population gave birth to an interesting question. Why should human appearances be kept human-like? This significant question rhymes with one of the older days; why should robots be shaped human-like? And that is how Jameson-Cyborgs (box-typed cyborgs) came into market. One problem the increase of cyborgs created, was the deep gap between the cybornetically enhanced and the non-enhanced people. The gap itself was nothing new of course for in fact, it could be traced back to the oldest days in human history, widely observed between religions, races and nations. Cyborg technology created that old gap in a new place reproducing occasional bias, discrimination and hatred. In countermeasure, suggestions such as banning the use of the term 'Cyborg' were made, claiming that the word has a discriminative aspect, but beyond mere usage of certain vocabularies the feeling of 'otherness' was now overt between the two groups.(Yoshiki Sakurai)
